Blog #4
In this weeks blog, the topic that really stood out to me was to reflect on my own social media content. It made me realize that the only platform I actually post on is instagram and sometimes snapchat. Before this past December, I had not posted a picture on instagram since may which I found a little weird because normally I post pretty consistently. Since my "comeback" post in December, I have posted four more times and it consisted the same content I was posting a year prior which is lacrosse pictures and pictures of me and my girlfriend. I believe that those two things reflect the main things in my life and that's why I post them. The people I wanted to see these pictures when I posted them are basically just my old high school friends to kind of give them an update on how my life is going and I always get a great response in the comment sections. When it comes to my snapchat, I usually just post pictures of me and my friends when I'm out at the bar or at parti...